This is most of a response I wrote
in a private forum when amongst other absurd suggestions I saw it
suggested that claiming expenses against business income was a form
of tax avoidance. It may have been tongue in cheek but it did
wrong-foot a couple of other posters in the forum.
Post the Jimmy Carr affair it is
still worth repeating in addition to earlier posts here.
I think it is useful to say that tax
avoidance is not:
Claiming expenses against business
income to determine taxable profit. That is what our tax returns
require us to do.
Using tax breaks given to us by
our Treasury such as (in the UK) ISA investments and putting money
into Enterprise Investment Schemes and Venture Capital Trusts, thus
getting relief from income tax and capital gains tax.
- In the UK, paying out our company profit in dividends with
minimal salary to avoid paying Employers and Employees' National
Insurance Contributions. Despite the hue and cry over people
contracted through their companies to work for Government
departments and Quangos, the Treasury is quite aware that this is
common practice so again we must assume that it is “the will of
Parliament”. That is an important phrase, by the way.
What is generally accepted as “tax avoidance” in the world
of tax professionals is using arrangements which have a degree of
artificiality and that are without commercial reality; there would be
no commercial reason for doing them other than to reduce or avoid
The current furore is over Jimmy Carr. Apologists for
more aggressive tax avoidance quote the words of Lord Tomlin in
Inland Revenue Commissioners -v- Duke of Westminster; House of Lords
1936, when he said “Every man is entitled if he can to order his
affairs so that the tax under a tax statute is less than it would
otherwise be. Whatever the substance of the arrangements may have
been, their fiscal effect had to be in accordance with the legal
rights and obligations they created.”
However it is no
longer 1936 and Lord Templeman told us back in 1986 that tax
avoidance was reducing a tax liability by means within the law, which
were not intended by Parliament. Tax mitigation is arranging our
affairs and those of our clients to reduce our liabilities in a way
that Parliament has considered. This followed from then recent
history in tax litigation.
In 1982 the Inland Revenue, as it
then was, had two major successes with cases known as Ramsay v. IRC
and IRC v. Burmah Oil Co. Ltd. Basically it was determined that any
arrangement which has pre-arranged artificial steps with no
commercial purpose other than to reduce tax liabilities would
effectively fail. This is a simplification, but the rulings
established what has become known as the Ramsay Principle, which
would mean that any wholly artificial scheme to reduce tax would
fail. The General Ant-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) which the Government has
decided to implement following an enquiry conducted by Graham
Aaronson QC will seek to reinforce that principle, though I rather
think we will see a great deal more work for the lawyers.
worked on avoidance schemes myself. I enjoyed the intellectual
challenge way back and I
no secret of it. Avoidance is something I have returned to in
times and also see
If tax avoidance is a moral issue it is a personal one as I
and apologies for all these links. I feel that there are certain
things that need to be said for all professional tax practitioners,
and I have an article along the same lines published in one of the
professional newsletters.
My concern over many of the tax
schemes being sold is that those who go into it often do not
appreciate the risks any more than do the non-tax professional
introducers and “financial advisers”. I use the term loosely.
While the introducers are often to a degree covered by the insurance
of providers, their professional reputations are at risk as many of
these schemes will fail.
The individuals trying to avoid tax
often do not understand that HMRC will dig into their tax affairs and
those of their companies, and if their families are involved, their
affairs too. Anyone using a scheme should have a strong stomach and a
capacity to sleep at night whatever the stresses and strains of daily
life. The tax relief, if it arrives, may be a long time coming, and
it may be clawed back later.
Some schemes I would advise any
client of mine not to touch with a bargepole knowing who is behind
them. Because they have been “approved” by Counsel, a leading QC
or whatever it says in the blurb is no sort of guarantee. Other
Counsel may disagree and they might be appearing for HMRC in the
future. What Counsel provide for a scheme is a protection for the
providers in not getting sued, and you can always find a tame
barrister to agree your arrangement will work. I should know because
I have.
For one of the reasons above I would not be happy if
my client chose the scheme I saw circulated this past week. However
it would be my client's decision and we would declare the scheme in
the tax return under the “Disclosure of tax avoidance schemes
(DOTAS)” box unless it didn't have a scheme number. If it did not,
I would write an essay for HMRC with every detail I knew, unless the
client asked me not to. If she or he asked me not to disclose I would
The professional bodies don't want
members involved in creating aggressive schemes anyway, so if I
did work on an extreme one myself as a designer I might be subject to
disciplinary action (not that I am an ICAEW member), even though I think it should be my call and not
that of a professional body.